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The above link will take you to the 2005 Florida Inspector General's PRIDE of Florida Audit. I would post it here on the site, but it is secure and encrypted and I have been unable to make it open on the site. Please follow the link and read the report - it is very enlightening.
Larry Stone was President and Owner of ATL Industries in Atlanta, Georgia. He partnered with PRIDE under the PIECP program and it cost him his business and several years of tying up PRIDE in the Florida Courts. Visit his site to read about rat contamination of food products dumped onto the market by PRIDE's Union Foods Industry.
This is the site of the Florida Corporation chosen back in 1983 to operate the stat's prison industries. It has come a long way since 1983 - but in which direction?
Great research and other information found at the above site. They are working hard to reduce violence and recidivism in our prisons.
The SEIU is a great resource for union supporters. They battle the prison industries that infringe upon private sector jobs held by their members. We support the SEIU!
Oversight authority for the PIECP program is the NCIA.
Well established Prisoner Advocacy Group in Florida The LOLITS have chapters in other states with the same goals in mind: speaking for those who have no voice within the razor wire and walls. They oversee important issues and bring matters to the attention of the FDOC in efforts to reduce violence, abuse, medical neglect and the lack of actual parole services in Florida. Call them the "Watchdog" for fair treatment, rehabilitation and parole for those who genuinely deserve it.
They provide support for families and friends who have loved ones unfortunate enough to be in prison in Florida. They help them by providing tips on visitation, how to arrange car pools for weekend visitations, what to do when their guy or gal gets a DR. In other words they show new members the ropes on how to survive the incarceration of a loved one or dear friend...so both those incarcerated by razor wire and those isolated on the outside by loneliness cope. If you have someone serving a sentence in Florida this is the group to join.
NCIA Links
Complete findings and statistics of the BJA's 2007-08 compliance reviews of PIECP participating industries.
This is the 2005 Florida Inspector General's Audit Report on PRIDE. It is complete and encrypted so it can be viewed at this site, but not shared upon other sites file sections. Please click on this link and read about the PRIDE activities that led to the resignation of the CEO and President.
2004 Study on prisons and prison industries.
"Report Calls for Inquiry into Alleged EHS Hazards at Prison Recycling Facilities"
"Help Ex-Offenders and Felons Looking For a Job"